February 9, 2011

Day 23.  I didn't have any visitors today, but it went by a lot faster than I thought it would.  Everything checked out great this morning even my blood pressure was good. 
We had quite the commotion here this evening.  A car caught on fire in the parking structure here, so the fire department came and it was quite the commotion.  Everyone was ok, no one was hurt, but someone's car didn't make it out so wellL 
Baby B didn't want to stay on the monitor tonight, she had a mind of her own and didn't want that monitor on her.  But after an hour and a half she cooperated and they all passed the non-stress test with flying colors! 


  1. You will soon learn girls always do! Stubborn and strong willed. Glad things are still going good!

  2. You had quite the view of all the action! We were late to the 8pm feed because we were re-routed to another structure. Glad your BP is cooperating , keep it up!!

  3. Glad to see you are well on your way to 33 weeks and beyond! Just found your blog and can't wait to see your trio soon : )

