February 12, 2011

Day 26.  Today my swelling got worse and my blood pressure didn't want to go down.  Crazy stuff!  My Dr. was on call today wahoo.  He wasn't concerned at all about my swelling or blood pressure, he thought I am still doing great.  So reassuring.  He is confident that I will make it to at least 34 weeks and hopefully 1 to 2 weeks after that.  He really helps bring my spirits up and makes me proud of how far we have come.
My parents came up this evening to visit and eat dinner with me.  Always nice to see them and visit. 
Our little trio did awesome tonight with their non-stress test, they all stayed on, no one tried to run away from the monitor and everyone passed in 20 minutes.  Good job!


  1. Hang in there, we are praying for you and the babies. The miracle and sacrifices are so worth it. The boys are excited to see another miracle just like them. We will be watching daily, thank you for sharing.

  2. At the end of everyday, I read your posting about your day. It is such a comfort to all of us to hear how you and your family are doing! Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. So no updates for awhile does that mean babies? I hope you are doing well and we are thinking of you daily! You are so strong Sarah and such an amazing person keep up the good work!
